Optimize your Beneficial Ownership compliance

Uncovering Ultimate Beneficial Ownership (UBO) can be challenging without consistent, fast, accurate, and global data. D&B Beneficial Ownership delivers the linkage data needed for insights into corporate entities and individuals so you can build transparency and reduce your regulatory burden. This video will reveal how data and analytics can help you identify business ownership and legal structures and overcome regulatory hurdles.



Speed. Efficiency. Consistency.

Hear from Dun & Bradstreet’s Compliance Solutions leaders on how Dun & Bradstreet Data is tailored to help reduce your regulatory burden and deliver global Beneficial Ownership Data Intelligence for your organization.

Best-in-class Global Beneficial Ownership Data

D&B Compliance Solutions provides risk intelligence on UBOs from the world’s largest commercial database, which includes information on 45 million UBOs, 83 million shareholders (66M individuals, 17M corporates), and over 330 million businesses in 200 countries. Your business will benefit from clear insight and risk intelligence on UBOs, delivered in a quick and seamless manner.

Contact us to find out more >

Gaining Beneficial Ownership Transparency

Recent regulatory efforts of government and international agencies, such as the US FinCEN CDD final rule and the G20 Anti-Corruption Action Plan, have been aimed squarely at strengthening beneficial ownership transparency rules. However, the limited accessibility, reliability and timeliness of beneficial ownership data on legal persons and legal arrangements are still the bottleneck preventing many businesses from effectively gaining BO transparency.

Request a copy of our latest whitepaper (2018) to view recommendations by Yunhong Liu, Dun & Bradstreet’s Global Regulatory Compliance Strategist on tackling this constraint, and how global firms can stay compliant and mitigate significant risks in today’s not-so-transparent world.

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