Gain access to global business intelligence that you can trust
Local Marketing list
Our Local Marketing List comprises important company information verified by Dun & Bradstreet, including business
names, trading addresses and contact information, enabling businesses to identify and target the best opportunities in
support of sales and marketing initiatives.
Global Marketing List
D&B owns the largest commercial database in the world with over 300 million business records and global coverage of
30,000+ data sources from over 190 countries.
Our unique way of identifying businesses using the Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S®
Number is a widely-accepted means of identifying and tracking customers and prospects globally. By embedding the D-U-N-S
Number at the core of your global marketing activities, you can transform data you already have into powerful business
insights that can help your business grow faster.
Contact us today to find out more >
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